Polar Bear


Polar Bear originally is from the Bordeaux region in France. He is closely involved with the movie industry in France. At the moment he is working as a gaffer on movie shoots.

A little more than 10 years ago he started street art. Polar Bear creates his visuals on the computer. He mixes pictures and drawings then prints different layers on drawing paper and hand cuts them with x-acto.  For the painting part, he starts spray painting the black layer then goes with the shades (all the different grays) and the white. Same with the colors.  Each layer is painted on top of the previous one.

As the artist admits, a lot of his creations are inspired or deal with Nature and endangered animals. Polar Bear's father was part of the French Greenpeace organisation so he has been taught all his life to care for it.

As he says- I don’t want to grow, so lots of my inspiration comes from kids.
